
Melbourn Primary School

Making Learning Irresistible


Behaviour Policy

To read our behaviour policy please click on the link below to find it on our website.


Praise is an important part of our behaviour policy.  We use the recognition board daily to focus praise on whole class aspects of learning or behaviour we want to target for example listening, lining up and being polite.  Each day around 2 children will bring home a positive note.  These are given to children who have done something above and beyond that day.  At the end of the week one child from each class is awarded a headteacher certificate.  Their achievement is shared in assembly and they have a hot chocolate with Mrs Wilcox.  Please click on the link below to see who has had a certificate and what they have had it for.


Your child will get an imposition as a result of breaking a school rule.  The teacher will call you or speak to you privately at collection to explain what has happened.  Impositions are usually completed at home.  Sometimes the imposition will be completing learning if it hasn't been done in school sometimes it will be a letter of apology.  It will support your child to learn and understand what went wrong if you have a conversation with them.  We call this conversation a restorative conversation.  You can find some guidance below to support you with the restorative conversation.  The teacher will either ask you or your child to complete the form or it can be used as guidance for you when you talk to your child.
