Making Learning Irresistible
Please access the resources below should you require home learning for your child. We do not encourage children to do school work when they are unwell and need to rest. However, we know there are occasions where a child may need to isolate and still be well enough to access learning.
The home learning will last around 3 hours for KS1 and EYFS and around 4 hours for KS2.
We understand that some children may not be able to digitally access the home learning. If this is a problem for you please contact the school office and we will discuss what we can do to support you.
We know some SEND children will need a differentiated learning pack. Please contact your class teacher for support with this. You may also feel it appropriate to use an alternative year group pack.
If your child is unwell, we do not expect them to complete home learning.
Don't forget you can access the websites below to support with learning at home.
If the whole school had to close for a longer period we would follow the Home Learning Policy below.