Making Learning Irresistible
Welcome to our Governors’ Section.
Roles & Responsibilities
Chair of the Governors - Richard Hill
Vice-Chair - Tracy Moffat-Griffin
Standards Committee Chair - Richard Hill
Resources Committee Chair - Amanda Virassamy-Poulle
There are 12 members of Melbourn Primary School’s Governing Body. We are appointed to the Governing Body in a number of different ways as shown below. All governors are appointed for 4 years.
Parent Governors: We have 2 parent governors, who are elected by the parent body. |
Staff Governors: We have 1 staff governor, who is elected by the staff. |
Co-opted Governors: Co-opted governors are appointed by the Governing Body. We look for people who live locally or have other ties with the village, and who have skills or experience which can help the Governing Body in its work (for example, business skills, legal knowledge, having a child who has a disability or special educational needs). |
Local Authority Governors: We have 1 local authority governor, who is appointed by the LA but is usually nominated by the Governing Body, based on skills or experience they have to offer. |
Associate Members: Associate members are not full members of the Governing Body but attend meetings to offer advice on certain topics. They are appointed by the Governing Body. |
Our Overview of Current Governors gives information on each governor’s category, their term of office, which committees they belong to and any positions of responsibility on those committees. Each governor’s business interests are included, together with information on whether they are also a governor at another school and any relationship with members of staff.
The Governors Attendance Record shows attendance for all Governing Body and sub-committee meetings last year.
The Annual Governance Statement gives an overview of the Governing Body’s functions and focus for the last year.
Follow the links below to find out more about what Governors do and how to become one.