
Melbourn Primary School

Making Learning Irresistible


Writing is a greatly valued skill at Melbourn and something which we encourage our children to take great pride in.


Writing is taught consistently across our school using expertise from 'The Write Stuff' book. Staff model high quality pieces of writing using the same approach in all classrooms and this is displayed on their working wall. This high quality writing exposure increases the vocabulary of all pupils and allows them to apply this to both their reading and writing. Each lesson is taught in 'learning chunks' with a focus on the sentence structure or vocabulary that could be use to enhance that chunk. Early Years pupils access a similar approach at their level which builds their understanding of vocabulary and increases their sentence structure.

Handwriting it taught three times a week to support children in their writing fluency. 


Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG):

The teaching of spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) is embedded into all writing lessons and often applied in foundation subjects.  Children in years 5 and 6 are set grammar homework.


All children from year 1 onwards are taught how to edit their own writing and how to collaboratively improve their own and other’s writing.


All children are taught spelling rules (and the exceptions) and given a weekly spelling list to practice at home.   All children complete weekly dictations based on the spellings they have learned.
